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GazeCom publications
Earlier GazeCom-related publications by GazeCom partners
Erhardt Barth, Michael Dorr, Martin Böhme, Karl R Gegenfurtner, and Thomas Martinetz. Guiding the mind's eye: improving communication and vision by external control of the scanpath. In Bernice E Rogowitz, Thrasyvoulos N Pappas, and Scott J Daly, editors, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, volume 6057 of Proc. SPIE, 2006. Invited contribution for a special session on Eye Movements, Visual Search, and Attention: a Tribute to Larry Stark. [.pdf]Martin Böhme, Michael Dorr, Christopher Krause, Thomas Martinetz, and Erhardt Barth. Eye movement predictions on natural videos. Neurocomputing, 69(16-18):1996-2004, 2006. [.pdf]
Hannus A, Van den Berg R, Bekkering H, Roerdink JB, Cornelissen FW. Visual search near threshold: Some features are more equal than others. Journal of Vision, 28: 523-540, 2006.
Cornelissen FW, Bruin KJ and Kooijman AC. The influence of artificial scotomas on eye-movements during visual search. Optometry & Visual Science 82: 27-35, 2005.
Coeckelbergh TRM, Cornelissen FW, Brouwer WH & Kooijman AC. Age-related changes in the functional visual field: further evidence for an inverse age x eccentricity effect. The Journals of Gerontology B: Psychological Sciences Social Sciences, 59, 11-18, 2004.
Maguire RP, Broerse A, de Jong, BM, Cornelissen FW, Meiners LC, Leenders KL and den Boer JA. Evidence of enhancement of spatial attention during inhibition of a visuo-motor response. NeuroImage 20,1339-1345, 2003.
E. Barth and T. Martinetz. Information technology for active perception. In 8th Annual German-American Beckman Frontiers of Science Symposium, 2002. [.pdf]
Coeckelbergh TRM, Cornelissen FW, Brouwer WH, Kooijman AC. The effect of visual field defects on eye movements and practical fitness to drive. Vision Research 42, 669-677, 2002.
Coeckelbergh TRM, Cornelissen FW, Brouwer WH, Kooijman AC. Effect of visual field defects on driving performance: a driving simulator study.
Archives of Ophthalmology 120:1509-1516, 2002.
Cornelissen FW, Kimmig H, Schira M, Rutschmann RM, Maguire RP, Broerse A, Den Boer JA, Greenlee MW. Event-related fMRI responses in the human frontal eye fields in a randomized pro- and antisaccade task. Experimental Brain Research 145, 270-274, 2002.